29th Annual Scientific Assembly

The Scientific Assembly Competitions are intended to highlight the research, writing, and speaking skills of students, residents, young physicians, and attending physicians.

The Open Mic Competition is still accepting submissions onsite at AAEM23! Submissions for all of the other competition categories are now closed. You will be updated on your submission’s acceptance status in December 2022.

Poster presenters are responsible for printing and bringing their posters to the New Orleans Marriott. View the poster printing instructions here.

Poster Gallery Listing 

Open Mic Competition

Sponsored by the Young Physicians Section of AAEM (YPS-AAEM)

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Morning Session: 7:45am – 12:05pm | Watch pre-registered presenters compete!
Afternoon Session: 3:15pm – 5:45pm | Six speaking slots available. Sign up at the registration desk!

The Open Mic Competition is designed for new speakers to be heard and evaluated by a panel of judges and conference attendees. Each speaking slot is 25 minutes (20 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for questions.) Presentations can be on any topic relevant to the practice of emergency medicine.

Ten of the time slots will be filled in advance and the remaining six time slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis by signing up onsite at Scientific Assembly next to the registration desk.

Awards: The winners of the Open Mic Competition will be invited to present at the 2024 AAEM Scientific Assembly. If a resident is deemed the winner, they will be invited to present at the Scientific Assembly after they graduate residency.

Who Can Apply: Residents, graduated residents, fellows, and attending physicians. You must be an AAEM member or an AAEM/RSA member to apply. Those who presented at the AAEM22 Open Mic Competition are not eligible to apply this year.

Requirements and Criteria

How to Prepare 

AAEM/RSA & EUS-AAEM Sim Sono Sleuthing Case Challenge

Sponsored by Emergency Ultrasound Section, Simulation Interest Group, and AAEM/RSA

Friday, April 21, 2023 | 6:15pm – 8:00pm

Medical students, are you ready for some competition? Get ready to put your ultrasound skills and team work to the test!

In this competition, five teams will embark on a journey of five simulated patient scenarios with live patient models. Each scenario will be based on a chief complaint and you will use ultrasound to solve the case. The winners will receive free AAEM/RSA and EUS-AAEM  swag as an award.

Limited ultrasound skills? No problem EUS-AAEM  has you covered! Registered teams will receive how-to ultrasound videos prior to the competition.

Do you think you can solve the case? Register your team today!

How to Register Your Team
Medical schools are invited to send one team of 3-4 medical students to compete. All participants must be current AAEM/RSA members and register for the Medical Student Track at AAEM23 on Saturday, April 22, 2023, where the winners will be announced. Ideally, at least one person on the team has some basic ultrasound training. Instructional videos will be available to all participants prior to the competition.

There is no cost to participate.

If you are interested in sending a team of students and have questions, please email Rebecca Sommer.

Register Your Team 

Registration Opens: February 1, 2023
Registration Closes: March 15, 2023 or once slots are filled

AAEM and JEM Resident and Student Research Competition

Sponsored by the Journal of Emergency Medicine (JEM)

Sunday, April 23, 2023 | 4:10pm – 6:00pm

View the Schedule

The AAEM and JEM Resident and Student Research Competition is designed to recognize outstanding research achievements by residents and students in emergency medicine. Abstracts must include objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. They are rated based on the quality of research, quality of writing, and relevance to emergency medicine. The top six submissions are invited for oral presentation at Scientific Assembly; the rest are invited to present posters for display.

You cannot submit the same abstract for this and the AAEM/RSA & WestJEM Population Health Research Competition.

Awards: The first-place winner will receive a $3,000 honorarium, while second and third place will receive $1,500 and $500 honoraria, respectively.

Examples of Past Winners: Augmentation of Peripheral Venous Diameter for Ultrasound (AAEM22); Emergency Department versus Community Clinic Screening on Hepatitis C Linkage to Care (AAEM21); Utilization Of Tranexamic Acid In Civilian Adult Trauma Resuscitation In The Hospital Setting (AAEM19)

Who Can Apply: Medical students, transitional students, and residents. You are not required to be an AAEM/RSA member to apply.

Requirements and Criteria

AAEM/RSA Resident Breve Dulce Competition

Sponsored by AAEM/RSA

Monday, April 24, 2023 | 4:45pm – 5:50pm

View the Schedule

The AAEM/RSA Resident Breve Dulce Competition is designed to highlight the presentation skills of AAEM/RSA members. Breve Dulce talks are 7-minute presentations provided on 20 slides or less.

The theme of this year’s competition is Widen the Differential. The goal of our training is to create a framework to approach the undifferentiated patient. Your Breve Dulce presentation should tackle just that, by discussing a time where you “widened the differential” whether in terms of patient interaction, personal beliefs that changed during residency, or the impact of broadening out from initial frameworks and biases.

Abstracts are rated based on the interest of the case and the relevance to resident education. Five resident speakers will be selected to present a Breve Dulce talk during the RSA Track. Competition judging will take place onsite by a panel of peer and faculty judges.

Awards: The first-place winner will receive a $250 honorarium, while second and third place will receive $150 and $100 honoraria, respectively. The fourth-place runner-up will receive a $20 Starbucks gift card.

Who Can Apply: Residents. You must be a member of AAEM/RSA to apply.

Requirements and Criteria

AAEM/RSA and WestJEM Population Health Research Competition

Sponsored by AAEM/RSA and the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine (WestJEM)

Sunday, April 23, 2023 | 4:10pm – 6:00pm

View the Schedule

The AAEM/RSA and WestJEM Population Health Research Competition is designed to showcase resident and medical student research, specifically in areas that affect the health of populations of patients in and around the ED. Abstracts must include objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. They are rated based on the quality of research, quality of writing, and relevance to population health. The top six to eight submissions are invited for oral presentation at Scientific Assembly.

You cannot submit the same abstract for this and the AAEM and JEM Resident and Student Research Competition.

Awards: The first-place winner will receive a $500 honorarium, while second and third place will receive $250 and $100 honoraria, respectively.

Examples of Past Winners: Identification of Emergency Department Patients Appropriate for Evaluation in Mobile Medical Clinic (AAEM22); Geospatial Analysis of Pediatric Gunshot Wounds Presenting to a Level I Trauma Center in New Orleans (AAEM21); Use of the Updated Google Translate Algorithm for Spanish and Chinese Discharge Instructions (AAEM19)

Who Can Apply: Medical students, transitional students, and residents. You must be a member of AAEM/RSA to apply.

Requirements and Criteria

CCMS-AAEM Breveloquent Competition

Sponsored by the Critical Care Medicine Section of AAEM (CCMS-AAEM)

Sunday, April 24, 2023 | 10:10am – 11:25am

View the Schedule

The new CCMS-AAEM Breviloquent Competition will highlight the presentation skills of five individuals interested in the field of emergency medicine critical care. The competition format is a 7-minute presentation provided on less than 25 slides. The theme of this year’s competition is “A Great Save with a Unique Intervention.”

Clinical experience cases related to an ICU setting with a unique or less often used intervention are preferred. Submissions will be ranked and reviewed based on complexity of the case and your intervention.

Travel Stipend: A travel stipend of $500 will be provided to each invited speaker.

Who Can Apply: Medical students, transitional students, residents, graduated residents, fellows, and young physicians (within 5 years post-residency or fellowship) are eligible to apply. You must be an AAEM member or an AAEM/RSA member to apply.

Medical students, residents, and first year fellows must have a critical care-trained mentor to aid with their presentation development. If you are selected to speak and do not have a mentor, CCMS-AAEM will match you with a mentor.

Requirements and Criteria

Photo Competition

Sunday, April 23, 2023 | 8:00am – 5:00pm    
Monday, April 24, 2023 | 8:00am – 5:00pm

The Photo Competition features case reports and visual data that deliver educational value to the EM physician. Abstracts must include chief complaint, history of present illness, pertinent physical exam, clinical questions and answers, case discussion, pearls, and at least one photograph of the patient, pathology specimens, Gram stains, EKGs, and radiographic studies or other visual data. Submissions are rated based on the clinical value of the case, the clarity of images, and usefulness of clinical questions.

The highest-rated abstracts will be invited to display a poster. Then at Scientific Assembly, posters are judged onsite, and a winner will be announced within 30 days following the conference.

Poster presenters are responsible for printing and bringing their posters to the New Orleans Marriott.

View Printing Instructions

You are welcome to submit an abstract on any topic. New this year, the Critical Care Medicine Section and Emergency Ultrasound Section of AAEM are encouraging Photo Competition submissions within their respective topic areas with the opportunities below.

Emergency Ultrasound
If selected, the author will receive a stipend onsite for poster printing costs. EUS-AAEM will also provide a logo to be placed on Point of Care Ultrasound related poster submissions. In addition, Photo Competition cases on the topic of ultrasound will be reviewed by EUS-AAEM. Cash Prizes will be awarded for the top three images. Criteria will be based on image quality, uniqueness, overall content and educational value: 1st prize - $150, 2nd prize - $100, 3rd prize - $75.

Critical Care
If selected, the author will receive a stipend onsite for poster printing costs.

Examples of Winning Cases: I’m Fishing. Don’t Get on My Nerves! (AAEM22); A Peck-uliar Find (AAEM22); Throat Pain – What is That? (AAEM22)

Who Can Apply: Medical students, transitional students, residents, graduated residents, fellows, and attending physicians. You are not required to be an AAEM member or an AAEM/RSA member to apply.

Requirements and Criteria 

YPS-AAEM Research Competition

Sponsored by the Young Physicians Section of AAEM (YPS-AAEM)

Monday, April 24, 2023 | 10:15am – 11:30am 

View the Schedule

The YPS-AAEM Research Competition is designed to recognize outstanding research achievements by young physicians in emergency medicine. Abstracts must include objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. They are rated based on the quality of research, quality of writing, and relevance to emergency medicine. The top four abstracts are invited for an oral presentation at Scientific Assembly; the rest are invited to present posters for display.

Awards: The first-place winner will receive a $1,000 honorarium, while second and third place will receive $500 and $250 honoraria, respectively.

Examples of Past Winners: Large-Scale Implementation of a COVID-19 Remote Patient Monitoring Program (AAEM22); Keep Vertical Patients Vertical…And Driving- Emergency Department Care During COVID-19 (AAEM21)

Who Can Apply: Young physicians (within 5 years post-residency or fellowship). You must be an AAEM member to apply.

Requirements and Criteria