AAEM Creates Additional Position Statements Regarding COVID-19

Dear AAEM members:

Yesterday morning, AAEM posted a new set of position statements addressing the right of emergency medical personnel to use self provided PPE when hospital provided PPE is deemed by us to be inadequate, the right of the EP to immunity from malpractice litigation arising from decisions made during a State of Emergency in the face of low resource availability, and the need for compensation for physicians placed on quarantine. These new position statements were added after another emergency virtual board meeting, and augment the 5 position statements posted last Friday. We have also signed on to SAEM's Solidarity of Purpose to Confront COVID-19 statement and the COMMB's statement to suspend merit badge requirements for hospital privileges during COVID-19. Dr. Moreno has also met with our lobbyist, Matt Hoekstra from Williams and Jenson, to discuss how we can move forward to propose both State and Federal legislation to protect physicians' personal health, liability and financial security. AAEM is listening to you, but more than that WE HEAR YOU, and WE CARE ABOUT YOUR NEEDS AS YOU DEFEND THE NATION AND THE WORLD during this relentless epidemic.


David Farcy, MD FCCM FAAEM
President, AAEM

President-Elect, AAEM

Additional Statements



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