New AAEM Position Statement: Statement of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) on the Edward-Elmhurst Health Firing of Physicians and Replacement with Non-Physician Providers

The American Academy of Emergency Medicine is expressing it concerns over the recent firing of 15 physicians from the urgent care centers operated by Edward-Elmhurst Health in Chicago. The Academy represents board-certified emergency physicians, some of whom practice in urgent care settings, and most of whom receive patients sent from urgent care centers when their medical condition requires a higher level of care. Urgent care centers, while created to serve lower acuity patients, do in fact see a significant number of patients who have serious medical problems. It is well known that even a routine complaint such as a headache may be the harbinger of a life-threatening illness. We therefore are concerned by the report that these physicians were fired in a cost-cutting move by Edward-Elmhurst Health. The AAEM believes that the skills and training of non-physician clinicians requires that they function as part of a physician-led team with immediate, onsite, physician supervision. The AAEM asks that the decision to replace physicians with NPs and PAs be reconsidered. The community served must be informed and deserves a chance to be heard on the removal of these physicians. There are better ways to cut costs of health care delivery than removing the most qualified person who cares for the patient.


Approved: December 3, 2019


View other AAEM position statements.



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