Take the Survey: ABMS Seeks Feedback on Continuing Board Certification

The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) is currently working on an initiative for the future state of physician certification. Continuing Board Certification: Vision for the Future is a collaborative effort to assess the current state of continuing board certification, and to envision a framework that is relevant and meaningful to physicians, patients, hospitals and health systems.

This ‘Vision Initiative’ is led by a Commission comprised of a diverse group of physicians, professional medical organizations, national specialty and state medical societies, hospitals and health systems, educators, patients, and the general public. Today, the Commission is seeking feedback from as broad an audience as possible regarding the current and future state of continuing board certification and would like your input.

ABMS is encouraging all stakeholders in healthcare today to participate in this process, as it provides them an opportunity for their voice to be heard. The survey will remain open until May 11th and can be accessed here:

ABMS greatly values your comments and support.


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