Legal Committee

Who We Are

The AAEM Legal Committee monitors the emergency medicine legal arena to provide information to members regarding medical legal matters as it relates to the administrative and clinical practice of emergency medicine. They provide research and legal opinions/interpretations to the Executive Committee and board of directors on specific medico-legal issues. They also write white papers and/or articles for Common Sense on current/recurring medico-legal issues that impact AAEM members.




Chair: Melanie S. Heniff, MD JD FAAEM FAAP

Vice Chair: Malia Moore, MD FAAEM

Advisor: Joseph P. Wood, MD JD MAAEM FAAEM

Board Liaison: Al O. Giwa, LLB MD MBA MBE FAAEM

Staff Liaison: Madeleine J. Hanan, MSM

Our Projects

AAEM Wrongful Termination and Intimidation Tracker

AAEM is assessing the prevalence and impact of termination or wrongful intimidation of emergency medicine physicians during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. AAEM is here to support and protect our profession and personal safety while at work. If you are experiencing, or have experienced this, please feel free to reach out to us by clicking on the below link.

Please submit this form if you have have been terminated, threatened, or otherwise intimidated by a hospital or contract management group for speaking out about lack of sufficient PPE, and/or being forbidden from using self-supplied PPE, OR if you feel that your hours or shifts have been cut inappropriately or in violation of your contract.

Note: this form is now closed.


Remarkable Testimony Database

The committee created the Remarkable Testimony Database to inform Academy members about expert witnesses whose testimony in emergency medicine cases is “remarkable.”  Committee members have written articles on legal issues in emergency medicine for Common Sense. Learn more and submit a case.


Contract Resources for Emergency Physicians

Read articles and listen to podcasts related to emergency physician contracts.



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