The Emergency Medicine Due Process Petition

By checking "I Agree" below, I certify that I am signing this petition only on my behalf, and have entered only my own personal information. I agree that my name, city and state can be posted online or in print with the petition and can be used to support individual due process cases, and for testimony before Congress and CMS. The petition states:

We, the undersigned emergency physicians of this country, believe that due process is fundamental to our ethical mandate to care for our patients without being pressured by administrative or other external influences. We serve as direct advocates for our patients, many of whom go to emergency departments because they are vulnerable due to medical, social or financial issues outside of their control. In some cases, such advocacy may conflict with profit-driven or other non-patient-oriented forces. Therefore, we strongly oppose the contractual trend that allows hospitals or contract holders to terminate physicians without a fair hearing, since this hinders our ability to act at all times in the best interest of our patients.

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