Palliative Care Committee

Who We Are

Mission: To develop palliative care competence relevant to emergency physicians across all levels of experience.


  1. Educate emergency physicians on how to identify, manage, and refer palliative care eligible patients in the emergency department.
  2. Build peer network for collaboration, mentorship, and research to advance palliative care in the emergency department.
  3. Create professional development and leadership opportunities at both national and regional levels to build capacity in palliative care core competencies across all emergency department practice settings.
  4. Share knowledge and best practices around alternative ED palliative care delivery systems and as well as personal career trajectories.
  5. Advise AAEM advisory board on upcoming key palliative care challenges and opportunities within emergency medicine.




Chair: Jessica Fleischer-Black, MD FAAEM

Vice Chair: Margaret Putman, DO FAAEM

Board Liaison: Robert P. Lam, MD FAAEM

Staff Liaison: Thomas G. Derenne


Our Projects

Palliative Care & Ethics COVID-19 Story Submissions

Caring for coronavirus patients has brought unforeseen challenges into our practice of emergency medicine. From explaining visitor restriction policies to having daily goals of care conversations over the phone, COVID-19 has changed our practice and challenged our sense of what it means to do the “right thing” for our patients. AAEM wants to hear about your successes and struggles while caring for your patients during the pandemic. We are hoping to compile and share voices from all different practice environments in hopes of processing and learning from our experiences together as physicians.

Learn more and submit your story.


Recommendation Statement

Recommendations for the Navigation of Moral Dilemmas during the COVID Pandemic
The AAEM Ethics Committee, Geriatric Committee, and Palliative Care Committee collaborated to write recommendations for the navigation of moral dilemmas during the COVID pandemic. Read the statement here.


COVID-19 Palliative Care Conversation Resources


Other Resources


Meeting Handouts


Common Sense Articles


Journal of Emergency Medicine Articles



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